Written by Fred Farai Nyakudanga
When you blame someone for your downfall, you're essentially surrendering your power to them. By doing so, you're implying that their actions alone led to your negative outcome. But are they prepared to solve your problems? Or are you admitting that you're powerless to solve them yourself?
Key Factors That Cause Blame
1. Lack of Discerning Trust: Before engaging in any partnership, trust must be established. However, trust shouldn't be given blindly. Verify the character and integrity of the other person before trusting them. Remember, people often talk more than they deliver.
2. Laziness: When you're unwilling to put in the effort required for growth, you may settle for less and blame others for your circumstances. A lack of personal initiative can lead to stagnation.
3. Failure to Acknowledge Personal Wrongdoing: Blame often stems from an inability to admit our own mistakes. When we convince ourselves that we're right despite unfavourable outcomes, we shift the blame to others.
4. Passivity: Inaction creates a power vacuum, allowing others to step in and dictate the course of events. By failing to take control of our lives, we invite others to make decisions on our behalf.
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