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Mjolo Charge Up Precious Hanya To Pen A Song


Precious Hanya is not new in this game, he has 3 albums to his name so far, the scarcity of legal distribution channels is forcing him and other musicians to trade their maximum effort for other professions that are paying, Mr P Uncle Bae as he is affectionately called in the music circles is a full time electrician. 

The haphazard and non paying music distribution is discouraging even though he makes sure the society is enlightened. Precious makes sure he casts out a song out of his social analysis abilities. The society celebrates trends as an in thing but does not look at how detrimental it is to them. Whether it is out of ignorance the consequences burden the society.

Mjolo is a trending practice that has different names depending from area and area. Cheating in relationships is a tradition that has grown so bad due to modernisation. Men and women boast of the practice but the effects on morals, health and crime is worrisome.

Mr P (Uncle Bae) was quick to unpack the Mjolo misdeeds and how they are unstitching the social fabric of our people. The song is a soulful one that will definitely appeal to any shenanigans compacted in people’s behaviours. The Matshikhosi feel will definitely stick on people and spread the dangers of cheating in marriages. The record of suicides due to mjolo is alarming.

Precious Hanya attended school in Chitungwiza where he was raised. His musical journey started at school, at Primary he was part of the percussion band while at Zengeza 1 High School Precious joined the musical choir. 

Uncle Bae’s is working on his 4th album, The Beginning came in 2006 then the second one The return was produced by Mono Mkundu in Harare and the third album mixed bag featured Andy Muridzo, Dino Mudondo and Hwindi President. Mjolo is a single from the4th album. 

Uncle Bae will launch the 4th album Tipindewo on 26 November in Johannesburg where he is based.

Get your copy of Mjolo from Friday 14 October onwards on YouTube,  iTunes, Spotify and all major Music stores. FMMS JOURNALS


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