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Showing posts from August, 2020

Assegai Crew Secured Percy Masendeke’s Decision To Become A Musician.

When Percy Masendeke was growing up in Bocha Mutare, music dictated his pastime. His makeshift drums created more interest to learn about music. Percy’s friend introduced him to the banjo guitar that was made from left over cooking gallons. It did not take Percy time to grasp the technique to play the banjo.  Sometime in 1996 Percy holding his musical skills with high esteem met Mike Moyo of  Assegai Crew. Mike led Percy were they were carrying out their rehearsals in Mutare. Assegai Crew led by Stobart Chidikano went on to release a song that became a hit Amaibhoi from their album Zvese Mari. The band was so intact that Percy admired to pursue music as his career. In 1997 Percy joined Hotline, a band that was resident at City Moto Moto in Mutare as a rhythm guitarist and drummer. Percy later moved to Harare where he got a job to compliment to his music income. Percy worked with several musicians that included Forster Mkwevo Ambuya Madhuve. Later on Percy joined Gift Amuli as a drummer

Peculiarity Is Phil Zulu' Dream

  Phil Zulu’ itch is to make music distinguished from all other musicians including his father. He wants to be a man on his own with a distinct destiny. First he departed from Marabi music and settled afro jazz. Even though his father Kireni Zulu found popularity with Marabi music, with songs like Zvekungonhonga and Dherira so ingressed into people's minds that anyone at anytime can unconsciously hym when busy with their work. Phil still insists he will make a separate legacy to compliment his father's. Phil Zulu admits that he followed his father’s footsteps as music runs in his veins. His first album was released in 2008 Zvenzeve but it was not well marketed. It took him ten years to start working on another project which he released late last year. Tariro is an album laden with social commentary, it is doing well on radio and social media channels. The lockdown restrictions have  disrupted Phil Zulu's plans to embark on a promotional tour of his album. Phil stressed th

Arts Rewards, Arts Is A Business Dr Oliver Mtukudzi Evinced Beyond

  Written by Fred Farai Nyakudanga FFF  Politicians, business executives, entrepreneurs, academics, the general public and villagers all envied what real toil earns. It was so unassuming to learn that there is no need to steal from the same people who support you. Dr Oliver Mtukudzi's success spoke for itself. Instead of paying attention to the proceedings of the funeral I saw famous men at the fish pond and the fowl run admiring the projects the crooner was pursuing. Musicians have always been lowly regarded in the field business and meaningful wealth is least expected from them. But what I witnessed on this day is unalike. Well to do men admitted Dr Oliver Mtukudzi was focused.  It has been one and half years ago I was in Madziwa for Dr Oliver Mtukudzi's burial when I witnessed all this. All the who is who of our country thronged the Mtukudzi homestead to pay their last respects to the iconic figure. The government of Zimbabwe had conferred a heroes status on Dr Oliver Mtukud

Thorny Penetration Into The Zimbabwe Music Market

  Major Shelly's ambition is to have his music touch souls within Zimbabwe and beyond its borders. He says music is a calling that he tried to ignore for a long time because he has another career. But now and again he found himself singing until he ended up considering the gift. His effort right now is to saturate the Zimbabwean market so that international penetration becomes easy. Major Shelly is a strong believer that charity begins at home. “Though the music market penetration in Zimbabwe is thorny owing to the lack of intermediaries, record labels that market music on behalf of musicians. You have to invest into your own music until it has been accepted.  Social media has helped in a way to reach out to music fans throughout the country. Though there are a few financial results. The few radio stations take up a few new songs as compared to the population of musicians in the country. Radio airplay is still very important to make songs popular.”  To date Major Shelly has two alb

Africa's Inferred Culture

  Written by Fred Farai Nyakudanga FFF  Better I Do It Myself Syndrome I have questions, is culture what is intended? Let us say we find out its important  everyone must save money for the future, but none is saving. Is culture what is expected? A school is getting low marks but parents look forward to good results. Can we say the school has a passing culture because we expect good results. I find it unusual also to assign how my ancestors lived as my culture though it influences my characteristics and knowledge there are limitations. Even if I want to, where would I practice hunting land is now owned we just have a few acres of reserved land where there are plenty mice. It's mischievous too to identify my culture on artefacts and symbols only without telling the whole story.  Zana K Ncube defined Culture as follows  “ Culture is a collective term for the set of habits, behavior,ideas and artistic expressions that a group of people exhibit. Culture has a physical and metaphysical

Gogo Mhuriro's Never Quit Spirit

Born Magdalene Mhuriro Gogo Mhuriro started singing long back when recording was a privilege of a few talented . She recorded in 1987 a vinyl single titled Jabulani, side A and Always on my mind on side B. Jabulani which was an afro jazz fusion. And the on B side she settled for reggae.  She recorded her second project between 1987 and 1989, it became her debut gospel album, Mupiro Wangu , which had 8 songs. This was on tape, cassette. She Took a long break because her family care incapacited her to concentrate with music. The family needed her closer attention as all her children were now school going age. The good thing was that she kept the spirit and never stopped writing songs. Gogo Mhuriro has 4 children 2 men and 2 women who are all married. Her grandchildren total 8 so far. Armed with a lot of experience from her break Gogo Mhuriro’s come back became easy. She recorded a single Kutenda Mwari, chronicling her experiences and testimony that no crisis is permanent. In 2018 ,  T

Malax Censures Parity In Music Industry Opportunities

Written by Malax Afro You are never too old to learn, neither is it too late for you to change, just in case you never knew about the predicament of upcoming artists. After reading this article you should know, this is the time. This narrative is coming from one of the Upcoming artists. We face so many challenges which can be mitigated if you our authorities cared. My big brother Alick Macheso wrote in one of his songs, "One takes a whole lot developing and perfecting so much time is spend in the studio". But what does he/she get at the end of the day, nothing. There is piracy but it's corruption of late that has exacerbated the livelihood of artists. For one to get frequent air play, money has to exchange hands with Radio Presenters. Bribe is the only answer to have a song on radio despite the song being good or not. This now means it is survival of the richest not the most creative, this corruption is killing our music industry. National TV programs are prioritising wel

Gonyeti Life Yacho Video


Machululu New Video By Silas Carter Muchemwa

  Machululu video by Silas Carter Muchemwa is a song that is all about praising the beauty of women. Machululu is a Nigerian word that means  beautiful woman. The video gives insight about love, it goes on to tell that love has  nothing to do with the structure or outside appearance of a woman. The lines that support this go like  " They call you slender woo because u are thin bbe , I don't care & I don't mind because I love you”. The lines go on so say “They call you jojostina (JoJo tank) because u are fat , I don't care,  I don't mind because I love u...."

Zolile Makeleni Traded Rugby For Filmaking And Acting

  Written by Fred Farai Nyakudanga FFF   Today August 12 is Zolile Makeleni’s birthday so Benjy Nyandoro posted Happy birthday in the same Jive WhatsApp group we are. I got curious to find out how Zolile chose to be a Filmaker and Actor. I got so interested to learn that with all the opportunities in rugby  Zolile Makeleni felt empty. This elicited me to put it on record.  Imagine with all the accolades Tendai Matawarira The Beast has earned from rugby Zollile traded the sport for Filmaking and Acting. Zolile Makeleni is identifiable with his white hair do he usually adorns. He says Filmmaking and Acting started as a passion that was identifiable at College until his lecturer urged him to professionally consider it as his career. I personally first saw Zolile acting as Tsotsi in a local Soap Wenera. His character really depicted a Tsotsi and little did I know one day we were going to interact. The way he and his father in the cast Humba (Conrad Mwanawashe) reveales unambiguously the

BB Bryton To Celebrate Birthday In Studio

  The party song maker BB Bryton will be celebrating his birthday on 12 August. Bryton the all genre musician has a lot to thank God about especially the gift of music that has made him popular. Unfortunately due to the prevailing Covid 19 pandemic Bryton will be celebrating his birthday in the studio recording a new song dedicated to his life. Its a true story of his rise and fall that he wants other people to take notes. The song will be released at the end of August. Bryton also shared his pleasure after his long break which he attributed to his painting business commitments. It appears like he had never stopped, his songs Party Song and Nerudo have received good reviews from the public. Party Song has topped charts at Finto Marketing weekly Top Ten. The song has been well received and it is still going up to bigger challenges. Nerudo is receiving scattered airplay but it is still a bonus considering the competition in the music industry. Bryton says his band is now ready for live s

Singer Melynda Mgazi And Wife To A Musician Manages Well Both Music And Family

Singing became an early passion for Melynda Chapinduka Mgazi. She married Jonathan Mgazi, their union has been blessed with 5 children. For the past 14 years she has been a mother, she has not found it burdensome to care for her family while pursuing her music career also. Her singing started at school and church choirs. Born in the capital city of Zimbabwe Harare.  Melyinda's musical career developed and shaped through the experience she gained through working with other established musicians. In 2008 to 2009 she was part of  Alexio Kawara’ female vocalists. Melyinda since 2010 to present she has always provided backing vocals for Baba Manyeruke. She also was privileged to have worked with the rumba outfit Diamond Musica sometime in 2013. Melyinda's greatest benefit was marrying Jonathan Mgazi the talented Musician and Producer. Melyinda told me how she has to keep up to her husband’s standards in her productions. She quickly silenced me before I asked her if it was a toll ord

Local Entrepreneurs Establish Independent Music Charts

Ndeipi Designs and Finto Marketing have come together to establish a weekly music charts, Ndeipi Hot Ten. It has been necessitated to add platforms that help musicians reach out and also assist in getting feedback. The music industry is growing more and more musicians continue to emerge. Melodious music, social commentary and praise songs make up the mix. Music is intended for the society, it  belongs there. A song may carry message of hope to a person who is in the deep valleys of Chimanimani. How to link the hopeless with the song carrying their message is the problem musicians have. Also musicians want to know if their music is making the grade. So feedback is important to inform future decisions. A lot of music is ending up in cupboards yet it could have helped send messages of hope to our society. With the Ndeipi Hot Ten a musician will know within a week after the release of his song if it is making an impact through the people who will vote. Fred Farai Nyakudanga FFF as he s com