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Showing posts from July, 2020

China Based Singer and Mbira Teacher Releasing A Single

Brity Yonly a Zimbabwean Afro Jazz musician, releasing a single. She was born Whitney Debra Matiyanga on the 3rd of November in Harare. She grew up in the town of Marondera Mashonaland province.  Brity says she misses her home fans and to compensate she is releasing a single Vachabaiwa. Its a song she is discouraging a section of our society that is full of envy and gossip that one day those eyes are going to be pieced while opening their to get news.  Brity Yonly’s musical pathway started at a tender age of 9 when she composed and sang at Sunday School Choir, the Scripture Union and major School functions. She studied at St.Ludger Primary and Secondary schools respectively before proceeding to Lord Malvern High School in Harare. She went up to 'A'  level In 2013 she joined a Contemporary Band called The Blacks as a backing vocalist. The Blacks collapsed paving way for Brity to pursue a solo career. Brity released a 6 track Album titled Mwana Wa Mambo. Among her portfolios in A

Zano Rapiringa

Zano  Rapiringa  Ndoti Hurombe, Apa Denda. Zano Rapiringa, Asi Ndaona Mufaro Mberi. Nyuchi  Iro Gonera Ranunira, Ndiyani Agona Hake. Kuzevezera Tupuka , Chokwadi Tworutsa Marwadzo Taiziveyi Kunotobowa Akapakata. Taiti Tisu Vetsamba, Tenge Mombe Kudhibha Kufamba Muforo Mugombo Rinemagobo. Chiwepu Kwapu Neganda Mhinduro Dai Wakurumidza, Totoda Kukushandisa Manyemwe Iro Dhongi Kutungamira Mombe Kudhimba Serinoshambira (C) FFF 31 July 

25 July Finto Marketing Top Ten

FINTO MARKETING TOP 10 25 JULY COMPILED BY FFF  1) Party Song B.B   Brighton x Tashy 176 2) Amai Micky Brown 97 3) Mambure e Rudo Carter ft Gracious 93 4) Tariro Daddy va Femex 89 5) Don't let me down Vicky Bee 72 6) Makoronyera Tich Mutodi 70 7) Kana Zvaita Doubles ft Roki 61 8) Release Some Fire Minister Simbarashe 59 9) Rufu Legend Clex 49 10) Murairo   Forget  Kuweyo 47   Let us start no one will ever notice us if we do nothing.

Where Samanyanga Grew Up Matters Less Than His Talent

Tapiwa Samanyanga despite have being born here in Harare spend all his childhood in Mutare, Zimunya Jindwi Rinemakomo as the place is populary called by the local people. He used to hear stories about Harare from his friends who were fortunate to frequently visit Harare. Imaginations were all he could suppose Harare really looked like. Since his arrival in Zimunya as a toddler he had never set his foot in Harare again until he had completed ‘O' Level. Samanyanga’s first public appearance was during a marriage ceremony of a relative where he got the attention of relatives and friends. He led the crowd with song and dance much to their entertainment and appreciation. Samanyanga ended up with some dollar notes in his pocket for the performance. Then on another occasion he was taken to by his uncle, Samanyanga took the limelight again. He says he played the drum while singing too. The relatives of the deceased got touched so much. It was a funeral of a villager, where again he received

Equally Talented Innocent Sibanda Doing Music Part-time

Innocent  Sibanda is a jiti inspired musician who works on music part time. This does not mean he isn't equal to the task. Innocent compared the economics of pursuing music and supplementing income. He says very talented passionate musicians end up quitting their talents but when it will be too late to start other avenues. Innocent is based in Ireland where he is working to add on to his family bread basket. His decision to progress into the relentless industry was urged by the legendary Progress Chipfumo and the late icon Oliver Mtukudzi.  Innocent was born in 1983, while growing up music excited. He became a marimba player as a way to fulfil his elation of making music. In 2011 he recorded his first album. Currently he is learning how to play the saxophone while his new album is being polished for release anytime soon.  Innocent’s wish is to make an impact in the society with his music, he is also stimulated to pass on good messages that shape the society. So far he is not doing

Unstructured Value Chain Functions Stalling Arts Development.

Written  by Fred Farai Nyakudanga FFF The Arts industry now named the Cultural and Creative Industry (CCI) includes music, film, theatre, visual art and literary art. This is a sector that is stocked up with hallmarks that promotes and imprint character of all the other industries and the country itself. Though all sectors interlink art has an unambiguous and a beautifying role they play. Zimbabwe with all it's sophisticated terrains, caves, agriculture, mineral endowment the liberation struggle experiences, it's  conspicuous by a 1.2 meter Zimbabwean flag. The design itself narrates straight from the shoulder. While the national anthem mellifluously and succinctly sum up the Zimbabwean ambitions. Before I forget let me just stress once again, two more examples that will unfold how art compact or avoid monotonous announcements. The signature tune that was recorded for the news bulletin buy the late Douglas Vambe is a good example of how it uncomplicated announcing its News time

Finto Marketing Top Ten 18 July

FINTO MARKETING  TOP 10 18 JULY COMPILED BY FFF  1. Mumambure Silas Carter ft Gracious 261 2. Party Song B.B Brighton  x Tashy 148 3. Release some fire Minister Simbarashe 71 4. Don't let me down Vicky Bee 64 5. Muchinjiko Mberi Deliwe Mwanza 63 6. Rufu Legend Clex 61 7. Makoronyera Tich Mutodi 54 8. Kana Zvaita Doubles 33 9. Fame Without Money 23 10. Ndafunga Jiti, Percy Masendeke 16 Let us start no one will ever notice us if we do nothing.                   Silas Carter Muchemwa & Gracious 

Backing Vocalist Upgrades Self To The Front

Forget Kuweyo has been a backing vocalist for a range of successful musicians. Noel Zembe, Blessing Shumba, Rev Chivaviro, Obert Mazivisa, Lewis Ngara, Daniel Mhere just to mention a few. Fofo as she is referred to in the music circles, decided to take the bull by its horns by taking the same opportunity her former bosses uses to spread the word of God. The idea to lead her own band has always been there from the time she started singing. Fofo took backing other artists as learning process.  " The music industry is not easy to break into, so I had to learn through others", she said   She branded her Solo effort to Forget Kuweyo Music, its a full live band that performs at concerts, church revivals and even at private functions. She has recorded 2 albums and 5 singles. Nguva ya Mwari was her first album in 2016. The 5 singles were done in 2017, while the second album Murairo was produced in 2019) Two of her songs have had the merit of being compiled on to the prestigious Coca-

Mbira Entwined In – Between Culture And Commerce

Mbira Entwined  In – Between Culture And Commerce  Written by Fred Farai Nyakudanga  ResearchGate As the sun set, cattle found their way back into their pen at the Mutekwas homestead,  the cowboys felt happy because  even the notorious Manjuma had remembered to heard back home with the rest of the flock. They did not have to go field by field looking for Manjuma as they always do. Tafadzwa one of the boys said “it might be the ancestors behind this”. They all laughed showing happiness that they were not going to miss any of the traditional rituals of the slated Bira on that night. The whole family was gathered to solve suspected spiritual problems bedevilling. Everything concerning the Bira was ready. The old ladies had brewed traditional beer, and most importantly the mbira players had arrived. The Mutekwas had no mbira players from their clan so they hired a Popular group in their area Nhare Pasichigare. Nhare Pasichigare   The bira in shona tradition is an inclusive family communica

Since 1996 God's Time Has Finally Come For Deliwe Mwanza

From her own words Deliwe says  "I  wanted to record music since 1996, but a lot of excuses deferred my debut album".  Lack of resources to record would stop her at one time and at another time when the money was there she will not find producers willing to record her songs. Finally in December 2018 she recorded her album. It took until March 2019 for it to be completed but since then it is not known. Muchinjikwa Mberi is the album Deliwe released with 8 tracks including the title track. The songs carry messages about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Deliwe is a Christian of the AFM denomination. It has always been her goal to spread the gospel through music from her early teenage hood. She finds music easy to penetrate different places many preachers find embarrassed to be found in. Some people do not go to church so the gospel should reach them also irrespective. " The message of music reaches them when travelling by buses, while cleaning in their homes and even in bars peo

Praise Worshipper, Minister Simbarashe Aiming Big In Music.

Minister Simbarashe as he is affectionately known in the Gospel fraternity, says at 21 years God revealed to him to minister through music. His talent he stresses was developed at the choral, praise and worship practices he attended. He has always been a believer of God through Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for our sins. His conviction convinced him to pursue gospel music as a means of his contribution to God's work. To his name so far he has 3 albums, 2016 he published Korona with 6 tracks. His second effort came three years later in 2019, he named it  Kugarika Kwana Tsotsi . It carries nine tracks including the title track whose message is self revealing. Minister Simbarashe works with his band The Melodious Singers . His aim is to become a top and well sort musician while spreading the word of God. He is working hard to put up top class performances soon the lockdown restrictions have been lifted. His grand goal is to take his music internationally. Profiled by FFF 

Euritah Juru Chronicles Her Journey As A Gospel Artist.

Euritah Juru started music while she was still in Primary and Secondary School Choirs. In 2003, she began rehearsing at home with her children. It so happened that Baba Mechanic Manyeruke lived within her neighbourhood, she approched him to assist above what she had just achieved alone. Baba Manyeruke referred Herbert Majeke his guitarist to work with her since he was busy with other projects. Herbert assisted her with the instrumentation. They practiced at Baba Manyeruke’s studio together with her daughter Talent Jokonya. Herbert played all guitars on her first and second albums. Euritah recorded her 6 track album called Shoko Rakanaka . In 2006 she recorded her second 8 track album called Tachemachema . Both recorded at V.O.J Studio by Lyton and Brian Ngolomi. In 2010 Euritah recorded her third album at Grace Records called Zambuko with 8 songs.  In 2018, she recorded her 4th album called Muchasara Mega with 8 tracks, recorded at Mighty Perfect Records in Capetown. Gugu E Moyo feat

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B. B Bryton The Painter With A Music Touch

  The closure of Book Cafe shuttered B.B Bryton’s hopes and that of many other aspiring musicians. The journey of a musician requires exposure. Open mics help one gain exposure and confidence to make it in the highly competitive perfomance rated industry. Singing at home in the comfort of your family is different with for singing for a drinking crowd. You have to learn how to handle the crowd despite your great singing talent B.B Bryton gave up and he started concentrating on his painting business in the construction industry. B.B Bryton used to enlist for the open mics that Book Cafe offered.  But after some time of breaking he has considered coming back. A single Party Song has already been released to warm his fans ahead of his forthcoming album Nerudo due for release this July. While talking to him over the phone B.B Bryton outlined his preparedness to make an impact on society with his music. He will release his album with two videos Party Song and Nerudo. He further said his lyri

Internationally Ambitious Gracious Collaborates With Silas Carter Muchemwa

Both are South African based and they have combined to come out with a gem of a song Mambure E Rudo that lovers will play on repeat especially when they are travelling together in their car. Mambure E Rudo  is a song that celebrates love. Mambure is a shona name for veil which is used to cover brides before they are unveiled to their grooms on a wedding ceremony. The wedding ceremony is regarded as the highest level of committment in love. Gracious  started music at a very tender age, she remembers perfoming while at kindergarten and at Sunday school. Her late mom discovered her talent, she was very supportive (may her soul rest in peace) So as she grew up she persued with her dream even while at school, she was very active musically. She got into the studio when she was 13. The recording was unsuccessful, this inspired her to enrol in Dreamstar Competitions 2015. She made it to top 5, that is the very year that she did a single with Oskid called Wandiwachisa. It got a little bit of ai

Legend Clex Releases A Single

Legend Clex releases a single titled Rufu, under the circumstances engulfing the whole world because of the Covid 19. Death has not only been statistics but it has robbed us of our loved ones. Our society is losing skills and important people who help mend our social fabric. In his song he describes how death robs like a thief. He goes on to explain what families go through especially when bread winners die. His vocals are crisp and equal to the task. Its a melodious reggae fusion appropriate for family listening. Legend Clex started music when he was still in high school. He performed freestlyes during christmas festives at shopping malls. He started recording in 2019 March when he recorded his first track Handidi Kukushaya. To date he has recorded 3  singles Mumwe wangu was done in February then Rufu which is the third track. Legend Clex is available on Facebook Clever Njiva get in touch and interact with him

Collen Makombe Embraces Social Media

Collen Makombe Embraces Social Media Music today has become a big business that has seen hardworking musicians becoming wealthy. What separates these musicians from the rest is strategy. Collen Makombe has been in the game for long now, having worked with Leeroy Kamusena of the Boys re Smoko fame. He alludes to that the way music was promoted in the near past has drastically changed to how it is now. A video on ZTV would do you a great job in reaching out the Zimbabwean audiences. Today you need to submit a video on ZTV and all the social media handlers to make it. YouTube is very accessible to fans throughout the globe and its just a finger press away to many fans who have smartphones. Collen is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter as Collen Makombe. Check Collen Makombe  on YouTube

Zvimisikidzo Zve Marketing 1. Kugona kusvikira vanhu Kana uchiteya mbeva haumboyende kunoteya paruware kunyangwe ukagona kuteya zvemhando yepamusoro seyi. Mbeva unoteya padzinotambira unotoona 2. Kugadzira Zvinokutsaura kubva kune vamwe Muchirungu tinoti branding, ndopa muyenzaniso wemusambo waunoridza, zvipfeko zvemuyimbi pa stage uye mifananidzo yaunoshandisa pama cover ema CD ako ma Logo kunyangwe ne font chaiyo. Pakati Coca Cola hapangorwe asi kuti vane yavo yavanoti trademark